Balancing Work and Fun in the Summertime
More than anything, having a place like Createscape to go to in the summer allows me to keep a clear focus on work versus play. So to those of you coworking with us in June: come for the cool air-conditioning, stay for the great people!
Member Q&A with James Cobb and Jason Brock
James Cobb works remotely as a graphic designer at Red Hat (the open source software company) and Jason Brock is a UX and visual designer for Red Hat. Check out the full member interview with both of them about their collaborative experience at Createscape and what they do outside of work.
Keeping the Self in "Self-Employed"
Keeping in the Self in “Self-Employed” presentation by Barbra Rodriguez as part of the “Skill Taco” speaker series at Createscape Coworking on May 15, 2019. You can watch the full video on our blog, as well as read the transcript.
Member Q&A with Jerry Elmas
Createscape was developed to be a place for creative types in Austin to come together for work and inspiration. In this spirit, our more than 100-member coworking space is made up of professionals from scores of backgrounds. To give our supporters an idea of what it’s like to work here, we talked to one of the members who has been at Createscape longer than almost anyone else. Read more of our Q&A with Jerry Elmas, Createscape member since 2014, and learn about Jerry’s unique email filing system. Trust us. You probably haven’t heard this one before.
Member Q&A with Danielle Lemola-Devereux
Danielle Iemola-Devereux is a digital strategist and owner of She joined Createscape in February 2017 and comes to work each day accompanied by her terrier mix, Cosmo.