How To Get Through the Holidays This Year
The holiday season is filled with hustle and bustle for a lot of folks. You might be used to some end-of-year stress around mid-December since you have work obligations, family events, gift-buying, and a whole slew of other tasks tugging at your valuable time. Here are some tips.
Member Q&A with Angelica Obi
Have you ever moved to a new city? It can be a lot of fun trying new restaurants and seeing new site, but also challenging to meet new people. Now try moving to a city during a global pandemic. One member, Angelica Obi, recently did just that.
Life Is Weird Now
From sweatpants to face is definitely not ordinary. We checked out some of the ways product designers are making it easier to stay safe during the pandemic. Here's what we found.
It’s a Zoom World Now
Online TV and movie cast reunions have been killing it. Some have attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers and have raised gobs of cash for charities and political organizations. Here are a few that you can still see.
Community Manager Q&A with Vana Ash
While we reopened at the beginning of June, it took a few months for the energy around the office to come close to resembling pre-pandemic life. Once members started to return and the office began to feel somewhat normal again, we hired Vana Ash. We recently sat down with her to ask her questions about how she got here for November’s Create.Chronicle newsletter.