Life Is Weird Now
From sweatpants to face is definitely not ordinary. We checked out some of the ways product designers are making it easier to stay safe during the pandemic. Here's what we found.
It’s a Zoom World Now
Online TV and movie cast reunions have been killing it. Some have attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers and have raised gobs of cash for charities and political organizations. Here are a few that you can still see.
A Collection of Anti-Racism Resources & Action Items
It is not enough to be quietly not racist. Now is the time to be vocally anti-racist. The following are links to campaigns, articles, petitions, and works of art to become better informed on these issues and start (or continue) making a difference.
Yes, Your Coworkers Hate It When You're Late
When you’re late, it enrages your coworkers and decreases everyone productivity. Is there any way you can get back into your colleagues’ good graces? According to Inc. magazine, “Despite how common it is to be late, people aren't rolling with it. The people waiting for you are not happy. Not happy at all.”
What a Copyeditor Does
Most people don’t know that there’s a difference between a content editor and copyeditor. In this article, we have an expanded look at Barbra Rodriguez’s answer from her career standpoint.