Staff Member Q&A with Riki Markowitz
Just about everyone at Createscape knows Riki. Besides being a part of our coworking community since nearly the beginning, she also has two cute little chihuahuas who come to work with her and is Createscape’s Content Manager who writes and edits so much of the newsletter and blog content you see. This time, we’re flipping the script and doing a Q&A with her to get to know the person behind the articles.
Coworking Spaces: Not Just For Remote Workers Anymore
Coworking offices today are pretty ubiquitous, but in 2005, the year one of the first official coworking offices launched, not so much. The idea of corralling freelance, contract, remote workers and small teams into a single space was inspired by hackerspaces of the early 00s and workspaces-as-a-service offices in the 1990s. The biggest difference between “coworking” and its predecessors is the effort that owners put toward creating a community by organizing business and social events.