Finding Community in Austin
We really like talking to members about what draws them to coworking. To get an idea what our events are like, check out these Q&As with two staff members who run and host Createscape events, Keller Davis and Vana Ash.
Conversation with Community Manager Brian Mahood
As community development manager, Brian’s goal is to continue growing the amazing community we have at Createscape by applying various skills from his business background and beyond, like project management, marketing, and data analytics. He also helps with the day-to-day operations, such as making coffee, restocking supplies and snacks, helping members, answering emails, assisting with weekend and evening events, and maintenance.
Member Q&A with Chris Billig
Chris Billig works full-time for Telefund, which does fundraising work for non-profits and progressive political clients. He also works part time as the social media manager for, a television news and features site. Chris has been involved in social media for years through his own personal stuff and a soccer site he founded in 2012.
Party on the Patio
For this year's "Austin Coworking Day" (September 27) celebration, we had drinks, barbecue, live music, games, and great conversation with members and guests from the community. It was also a chance for us to celebrate 5 years, and it was a lot of fun, and we really appreciate everyone joining us for the festivities at Createscape and supporting local coworking. Special thank you to musicians Nevada Newman and Jimmy Lohman, TawaTies, David Lackey, and GT's Living Foods.
Build Momentum for Creative Habits
“Build Momentum for Creative Habits” presentation by Keller Davis as part of the “Skill Taco” speaker series at Createscape Coworking on September 18, 2019.